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  • The Art of Sharing: The Art of Sharing What We Have with Others, The Sacrifice of King Shri Sena - EBOOK

    Every system of personal development in the world recommends giving as an important strategy for happiness, both personal and global. Over two thousand years ago, the Buddha challenged his disciples with the question: “Is there any difference, though, between giving and sharing?” That is the question answered by this ancient teaching, which we have entitled The Art of Sharing. more
  • ACI Course 1: The Principal Teachings of Buddhism - EBOOK

    ACI Course 1 is a thorough study of the three great realizations (commonly known as the “three principal paths”) needed by every practitioner of Buddhism—which is why it’s the first of the 36 courses. more
  • ACI Course 2: Buddhist Refuge - EBOOK

    Accurately taking refuge in the Buddha is said to be the one single act that makes any person a Buddhist. And so the next ACI course explores how we do this: more
  • ACI Curso 1: Las Principales Enseñanzas del Budismo - EBOOK

    El Curso 1 de ACI es un estudio exhaustivo de las tres grandes realizaciones (comúnmente conocidas como los "tres caminos principales") que necesita todo practicante del budismo, razón por la cual es el primero de los 36 cursos. Estas tres son La Renuncia, o consternación ante el dolor del mundo; el Deseo de iluminación, o querer convertirnos en un Buda para poder ayudar a todos los seres vivientes del universo; y una visión correcta del mundo, o ver que no hay persona ni objeto que no proceda de las semillas de mi propia mente. more
  • ACI Curso 2: Refugio Budista - EBOOK

    Se dice que tomar refugio en Buda es el único acto que hace que una persona sea budista. Así que el siguiente curso de ACI explora cómo lo hacemos: cómo buscamos protección contra el dolor de la vida, dentro de nuestro corazón. more
  • ACI Course3: Applied Meditation - EBOOK

    This Course is a must for anyone who wishes to practice meditation effectively. It is based upon The Stages of Meditation (Bhavana Krama) by Master Kamalashila (750 AD), and presentations by Je Tsongkapa and Pabongka Rinpoche more