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  • Sunlight on the Path to Freedom: A Commentary to The Diamond Cutter Sutra

    A Commentary to The Diamond Cutter Sutra by Choney Lama, Drakpa Shedrup (1675-1748) • Translated by Geshe Michael Roach with Elizabeth van der Pas.

    The Diamond Cutter Sutra is one of the most famous Buddhist books of all time; it was taught by the Buddha 25 centuries ago, and then spread throughout India, China, Tibet, Japan, and many other countries. more
  • The Golden Key: Difficult Questions in the Mind Only School of Buddhism. Part One.

    The Golden Key unlocks the knowledge hidden inside the Mind Only school of Buddhism. It is a refreshing and deep dive into the world of Asian philosophy. This first-time translation of an Eastern classic is sure to find its way among history’s great works. Understanding this text and the philosophy it explains, literally has the ability to grant great wisdom to the reader. That may not all happen on the first pass. more
  • Three Treasures: A Buddhist Prayer Book

    This Prayer Book is the perfect companion for daily practices and retreats. It contains the unmatched prayers of Jorchu, The Thousand Angels of the Heaven of Bliss and Lama Chupa. more
  • Emptiness Meditations: Learning How to See That Nothing Is Itself

    The translators’ goal was to translate definitive works that would help people all over the world master these two combined practices: quietude, or deep meditation; and then the insight into reality which is only possible from inside this state of quietude. The book begins by presenting theory—a treatise called Light on the Path to Freedom: An Explanation of the Steps for Developing an Understanding That Nothing Is Itself, by Choney Lama, Drakpa Shedrup (1675–1748).It then continues with four different classics which—when taken together—are just about everything one would ever need to know for developing the platform of quietude: Stages of Meditation, by Arya Nagarjuna (200ad); the third Stages of Meditation, by Master Kamalashila (775ad); The Illustrated Stages of Meditation, by Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche (1900–1981); and a selection on how to develop quietude from The Gift of Liberation, Thrust into Our Hands, notes taken by Trijang Rinpoche, on an oral teaching given by Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche (1878–1941), on Je Tsongkapa’s Great Book on the Steps of the Path. more
  • ACI Course 1: The Principal Teachings of Buddhism

    ACI Course 1 is a thorough study of the three great realizations (commonly known as the “three principal paths”) needed by every practitioner of Buddhism—which is why it’s the first of the 36 courses. more
  • Poems of the Diamond Way

    Composed by The First Panchen Lama (1567-1662) and translated by Geshe Michael Roach. This selection of exquisite poetry by Lobsang Chukyi Gyeltsen, come his biography as it appears in the classic work on the lives of the masters of the Lam Rim lineage, written by Yongdzin Yeshe Gyeltsen, tutor to His Holiness the Eighth Dalai Lama. more

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