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  • A Door to Emptiness: The Crucial Teaching for Touching the Diamond World

    Translated by Adam Andrade with Geshe Michael Roach

    The promise of these ancient books, for more than two thousand years, is that there exists—in tandem with the world we know—an invisible higher world, going on around us all the time. We can call it the “Diamond World,” but a simpler (and easily misunderstood) name is simply “Emptiness.”

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  • Poems of the Diamond Way

    Composed by The First Panchen Lama (1567-1662) and translated by Geshe Michael Roach. This selection of exquisite poetry by Lobsang Chukyi Gyeltsen, come his biography as it appears in the classic work on the lives of the masters of the Lam Rim lineage, written by Yongdzin Yeshe Gyeltsen, tutor to His Holiness the Eighth Dalai Lama. ...read more

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  • Katrin: Girls Do Do That

    From the author of How Yoga Works, a delightful adventure tale of yoga and the ancient wisdom behind it. Friday is a young girl who lives in a tiny nomad village high in the Himalayan plains. ...read more
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  • ACI Course3: Applied Meditation

    This Course is a must for anyone who wishes to practice meditation effectively. It is based upon The Stages of Meditation (Bhavana Krama) by Master Kamalashila (750 AD), and presentations by Je Tsongkapa and Pabongka Rinpoche ...read more