Picture of The Two Sutras of the Medicine Buddha - EBOOK

The Two Sutras of the Medicine Buddha - EBOOK

Translated by Geshe Michael Roach with Dr. Eric Wu & Yan Tang.

In the year of 2020, a pandemic exploded in our world and made its way across all our countries, killing millions of people. Members of our team—particularly Dr Eric Wu—had already been working with ancient manuscripts and practices of an Enlightened Being known as Medicine Buddha.

This Buddha’s teachings are especially effective in times of global epidemic, and so naturally we turned our team’s efforts to translating the major instructions of this holy being. Together we translated—using Sanskrit, Chinese, and Tibetan sources—over a thousand pages of relevant materials.

What you find here, in this book, is the first and most important fruit of our efforts: a translation of both the longer and shorter sutras of Medicine Buddha, composed some 25 centuries ago. Since our team is mostly trained in reading the great books written in Tibetan, we began with the Tibetan translation of the sutra, which was rendered from the original Sanskrit about a thousand years ago.

Profits from the sale of this book go to benefit the Diamond Cutter Classics translation program.




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